No matter the industry, it feels safe to say that work is more dispersed than ever. Employees may spend as much as an hour each day switching between screens and applications in search of what they need to get their jobs done. Complicating things further is a barrage of often irrelevant information that takes them off focus.
What they need most is something that simplifies their workday and helps them be more productive. What they need most is YOU. Your management — your leadership — sets the stage for their ability to stay connected to everything they need from your workplace. And it’s your choice in technology that can make the difference. Every “Software as a Service” comes with great promise. Your job is to evaluate whether that code can live up to its promise — and what you need to activate your modernized workplace productivity.
Productive Communication
Start by updating your go-to method of communicating with your workforce. A workplace experience platform provides your organization with a single point of content creation and publication. This breaks your company free from the “one size fits all” of broadcast communications, and opens up the possibilities of maximized, personalized content. You’ll be able to set targeted criteria that defines specific audiences among your employees and deliver content in an effective variety of ways: video, images, articles, audio, or an impactful form of data visualization.
Each screen — from on-site digital signage, to employees’ desktops and mobile devices — can be targeted to “push” the most relevant content and information for that person or team. From the front office to the field, this type of intelligent targeting ensures a single employee, or an entire team has a clear path to productivity: here are the goals of the company, here is your role in the company, here is the work that needs to be done to make sure that those goals are met. As for your managers, they can more easily track progress during every phase of these communications, encourage two-way dialogues, and offer immediate reinforcement or coaching to keep performance and deadlines on track.
Productive Engagement
Engaged employees are more productive than the disengaged — 21% more, according to Gallup. What are some types of engagement that you can translate into positive work output?
Recognition and appreciation are known drivers of workplace morale and resulting productivity. Your new workplace experience platform can celebrate the success of individuals and teams on every digital screen in the network — or just a designated few, for that matter. Highlighting exemplary performance on laptops, mobile screens and on-site digital signage can be a boost for the recipient, as well as a motivator for your entire workforce to aim for their own elevated status and performance goals.
Workplace experience technology promotes these meaningful connections with your employees in targeted ways: messaging to them on their preferred channel, in the format they like most, and with content that is relevant to who they are as professionals — and people. And with built-in analytics, you can track and measure the performance of the content and use the insights to improve future engagement — and continued workplace productivity.
Productive Partnerships
As business begins a transition to post-COVID realities, you’ll be faced with how you make the most of a hybrid workforce: on premise, work from home, on the line, geographically diverse. Even if your employees are distributed in many locations, a unifying technology platform can help your teams discuss, plan, execute and track work all through one shared, digitally empowered space. Here’s where shared resources, documents and tools can boost productivity via whichever channel helps maximize collaboration: text, video, interactive whiteboards. Less friction means teams can focus more on productive work — and that includes innovation. With stronger, integrated communications, challenges put forward on behalf of one division can be met with new, unexpected — and potentially more profitable — solutions from across your entire network.
Productive Apps
A common need from your information workers to your line worker will be on-demand, real-time access to current company data and business apps — anytime, from anywhere. Your choice of a workplace experience platform should be able to provide this access across multiple device types. Because this aligns the right data with the right person, individuals will spend less time searching for “that file”via VPN or email and more time putting that content to good, productive use.
More connectivity to more content means increased flexibility beyond any single location and timeframe. Your “anywhere teams” can now tackle their problems and tasks with the assurance they are all working with the same synced-up, up-to-date data. Custom apps that integrate with these platforms will enhance the experience even more, consolidating access to all the necessary digital “tools” one needs to perform their job and succeed.
Productive Training
Training has the immediate advantage of strengthening your workforce with the latest information and skills they’ll need to become — and stay — more productive. But it also demonstrates to them that you consider them worth investing in.
Use the strengths of a digital platform to transform that training into next-level learning. Start with around the clock access, anywhere employees are located, and on the screen of their choice. Extend that with personalization, based on an individual’s role, skillset, and other criteria, so that online training is customized for effectiveness through content type, cadence, and learning style. Throughout the process, your employees and their managers can track progress and use that data to continue (or correct) performance.
Welcoming the Modern Age of Productivity
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said, “Technology empowers humans to do great things. You have to be optimistic about what technology can do in the hands of humans.”
The new capabilities that a workplace experience platform makes possible are designed to help your business modernize its productivity: faster, more deliberate, personalized, collaborative and unified. The results can be work that is more insightful and enjoyable for both employees and managers.
Your company’s productivity will be measured not in code, but in people — starting with you. It’s in your hands how you choose to get productive with your workplace experience.